• +64 21 232 6753
  • alisonshouldbewriting@gmail.com
  • Dunedin, New Zealand

LP2 [3a] Community Consultation

Here it is important to note who is and is not participating/represented. You might ask yourself: A reminder that the voice of the majority will only serve to maintain the status quo. Minority voices and experience need to have a place, be supported, and be elevated. That is how to be a good ally. https://nzcurriculum.tki.org.nz/Principles/Community-engagement-principle   At our school:  …

LP2 [2a] Inquiry as Stance

Teaching as inquiry is not to be confused with inquiry learning – teaching as inquiry is something you do as the teacher, inquiry learning is something you do with ākonga (it can also fit under the headings of inquiry based learning, project based learning, play based learning). Keep in mind that we are talking about teaching as inquiry which is…

LP2 [1b] Universal Design for Learning

Universal Design for Learning or UDL is a framework to help you think about how you design your curriculum and discover any barriers that might be present for your learners. It a way of thinking that puts you in someone else’s “learning seat” and see it from their perspective. What is the difference between differentiated learning and UDL?

LP2[1b] Theories of Learning

Alison Jones thesis “At school I’ve got a chance…”: social reproduction in a New Zealand secondary school https://researchspace.auckland.ac.nz/handle/2292/4479 Paulo Freire and “Pedagogy of the Oppressed” And now for Theories of Learning Our Code and Standards suggests that all teachers “critically examine how my own assumptions and beliefs, including cultural beliefs, impact on the practice and the achievement of learners with…

LP2 [1a] History and Policy

In this book we will look at the history of formalised (colonised) education in Aotearoa and towards where we might be heading as well as the important part you have been invited to participate in. The coming of Compulsory Primary and then Secondary Education Now for a “fly-over” of the history of compulsory primary and secondary education in New Zealand….

LP2 [1a] Reimagining Possibilities ✔️

Koia e kore nei e rapu, tē kitea Rawiri Hindle’s work… is part of a body of knowledge and research Notes from: “Designing learning with embodied teaching – perspectives from multimodality – fei victor lim” Whiria te kahā tuātinitini, whiria te kahā tuāmanomano. “It is important for teachers to realize that they are inherently and consistently engaged in cultural production…

L&P1 3a Principles, concepts, culture, philosophy and politics

Why building relationships matters so much When positive relationships are established we provide the context for all ākonga to flourish in ways that support their individual learning journey because we come to truly know and care for the child. Relationships are at the heart of early learning. The ability to nurture and maintain relationships is a core competency for kaiako (McLaughlin, Aspden,…

L&P1 1b Reflecting on Relationships

If you are looking for a technique to capture ideas that could work well for future ākonga too, you could look into Sketch Notes. Check out this site as a place to start https://www.verbaltovisual.com/what-is-sketchnoting/ You may also have noticed that we give links to many websites/articles. We suggest you start a document to save the ones you might want in the…