• +64 21 232 6753
  • alisonshouldbewriting@gmail.com
  • Dunedin, New Zealand

LP2 [3a] Community Consultation

Here it is important to note who is and is not participating/represented. You might ask yourself: A reminder that the voice of the majority will only serve to maintain the status quo. Minority voices and experience need to have a place, be supported, and be elevated. That is how to be a good ally. https://nzcurriculum.tki.org.nz/Principles/Community-engagement-principle   At our school:  …

Book: Assessment for Learning :A pathway to progression

Angie Simmons; ISBN: 9781927143506 (2011) Essential Resources Education Publishers Ltd: Auckland, NZwww.essentialresources.co.nz Pg 6 Summative assessment – assessment OF learning Summative assessment is what we do to find out if students have learnt what it is assumed they have been taught. When it is completed after the teaching and learning process, it shows us whether the student has passed or…

Book: Research wise : classroom strategies that build information skills

Roche, N. (2006). Research wise : classroom strategies that build information skills. User Friendly Resources. Pg 5 About Questions Students have to learn how to ask questions that are meaningful and that will supply the information they want. One way to get students using different question formats is to have “question starts” around the room, i.e. How do…? When does…? How come…?…

How to be an effective teacher: the first days of school

Pg 9 The Three Characteristics of an Effective Teacher pg 10 Positive Expectations Positive Expectations, sometimes called high expectations, should not be confused with high standards. Having positive expectations simply means that the teacher believes in the learner and that the learner can learn. Classroom Management Classroom management consists of practices and procedures that a teacher uses to maintain an…

Book: Handwriting: The way to teach it

Chapter 2: The Relationship between the Skill of Handwriting and other Subjects In recent years it has been fashionable to allow children to try to copy letters and to record their thoughts from almost their first day at school. The attitude has been to let them play with letters and not correct or teach anything that might inhibit them from…

Stories of Tāwhaki to investigate

These are all generated by ChatGPT, so need to be investigated for accuracy. Tāwhaki the Bold – generalised version Tāwhaki the Bold is a prominent figure in Māori mythology, originating from the indigenous people of New Zealand. He is known for his incredible strength, courage, and his journey to the heavens in search of knowledge and power. The story of…

Report: Effective Pedagogy in Social Sciences: Tikanga ā Iwi: BES

Author(s): Graeme Aitken and Claire Sinnema, The University of AucklandDate Published: November 2008New Zealand Ministry of Education pg 34 Introduction 1.1 Social sciences and the Iterative Best Evidence Synthesis Programme …answer two questions: By connecting teaching and learning via these questions, the synthesis aims to inform understanding of a pedagogy for social sciences teaching that draws on the concept of ‘ako’. Linda…

CPb: Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy [4]

2. The Arts: Drama 2.2. Drama Warm-ups Warming up is a widely accepted and used pedagogy across many learning areas. In mathematics it is a cognitive forerunner of coming attractions, in Hauora/PE it is enactive and cognitive, warming the body through movement and orientating thinking. In drama, the warm-up instantly establishes the world of imagination and experience in the moment in which…