• +64 21 232 6753
  • alisonshouldbewriting@gmail.com
  • Dunedin, New Zealand

Book: Thinking Through Pedagogy for Primary and Early Years

Notes from Thinking through pedagogy for primary and early years by Tony Eaude….This practical, accessible book encourages a deep, often challenging, consideration of how young children learn and how teachers and other adults best support their learning. Essential reading for education students, it draws on research and practice to help readers reflect critically on their beliefs and practice.

Book: The Power of Pedagogy

The concept of ‘pedagogy’ has become increasingly important as a frame of reference for debate about teaching and learning. In this book the authors analyse and explore contemporary ideas of pedagogy through the work of key figures including Freire, Montessori and Vygotsky, and explain how a new conception of pedagogy could transform educational institutions, particularly schools.

Book: Using talk effectively in the primary classroom

Richard Eke and John Lee Eke, R. and Lee, J., 2009. Using talk effectively in the primary classroom. London: Routledge. pg 1 …the professional standards for England which state that in order to qualify as a teacher, student teachers much evaluate the impact of their teaching on the progress of all learners. This means being able to identify pupils’ cultural,…

Research: Utilizing educational theoretical models to support effective physical education pedagogy

Wayne Usher, Allan Edwards & Bianca de Meyrick | (2015) Utilizing educational theoretical models to support effective physical education pedagogy, Cogent Education, 2:1, 1094847, DOI:10.1080/2331186X.2015.1094847 1.1. Constructivism: supporting learning and teaching in physical education The theory of constructivism suggests students create meaning by connecting their ideas with theirexperiences, both inside the classroom and out (Azzarito & Ennis, 2003). In the…

The four principles that form the foundation of Te Whāriki

Whakamana|Empowerment: This principle means that every child will experience an empowering curriculum that recognises and enhances their mana and supports them to enhance the mana of others. Viewed from a Māori perspective, all children are born with mana inherited from their tīpuna. Mana is the power of being and must be upheld and enhanced. Kotahitanga|Holistic development Human development can be thought of in terms…

Book: Healing Our History

Current Treaty issues and Maori/Pakeha relationships can only be understood within the wider story of New Zealand. As we understand and honour our history, we can acknowledge the need for restoration, healing and right relationships.

Report: Scaffolding Small Group Interactions

Mathematics: Essential Research, Essential Practice — Volume 1 Roberta Hunter – Massey University Proceedings of the 30th annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of AustralasiaJ. Watson & K. Beswick (Eds), © MERGA Inc. 2007Pages 430 – 439 Pg 430 To achieve such learning communities teachers are required to establish ways in which students can engage in multiple forms…