• +64 21 232 6753
  • alisonshouldbewriting@gmail.com
  • Dunedin, New Zealand

Book: Research wise : classroom strategies that build information skills

Roche, N. (2006). Research wise : classroom strategies that build information skills. User Friendly Resources. Pg 5 About Questions Students have to learn how to ask questions that are meaningful and that will supply the information they want. One way to get students using different question formats is to have “question starts” around the room, i.e. How do…? When does…? How come…?…

Book: Language at the Speed of Sight

Mark Seidenberg isbn 9781541617155 Chapter 6: Becoming a Reader pg 102 Proposed Requirements for Licensure as a Certified Skilled Reader Prerequisite: All candidates must have achieved age-appropriate proficiency in a spoken language. Reading-relevant expertise: Pg 187 Chapter 9: Brain Bases of Reading Behind its mundane façade, reading is an extraordinarily complex act. pg 190 For many years the main source…

Classroom Management Problem Solving

Problem Solving with poor relationship Solving with strong relationship ākonga talking over teacher during whole class teaching Is this led by particular individuals? yes: localise and engage specific ringleadersNo: how is attention gained? Student refuses to complete tasks Identify any pattern in refusal – specific to the task? – subject? – Time limit (too much time, not enough time)? –…

Socio group participatory norms

C&PA – Module one Socio group participatory norms Tamariki need to be explicitly taught how to engage productively in the practices outlined above in collaboration with their peers in their learning communities. Developing new social norms for productive collaboration is challenging and takes time. Sharing the responsibility for one another’s learning and having high expectations of each other go hand-in-hand. It is…