• +64 21 232 6753
  • alisonshouldbewriting@gmail.com
  • Dunedin, New Zealand

Task: Ko te Mahi Tuatoru (Task Three) – Shared Reading QAR

  1. Read Tompkins et al. (2019), pp. 43, 131-135. Take notice of the purpose of shared reading, as opposed to simply reading to ākonga.  Also, consider the difference between shared reading for younger and older readers.
  2. Read p. 303 of Tompkins et al. (2019) on the comprehension strategy of questioning. Think about the differences between questioning as a teaching strategy and learning to use questioning as a comprehension strategy. For optional further reading, read Burkins & Croft (2017).
  3. Identify a text that you would introduce QAR, follow the steps Lawrence (2017) has identified by a shared (or guided) reading lesson.  Tuck this away for practicum 1B!