Books: ANZAC/War Themes
The Anzac Violin
Source: Massey University Library

ISBN-13 9781775433910
Publisher Scholastic New Zealand Limited
Imprint Scholastic New Zealand
Published 1 Feb 2018
Publication Country New Zealand New Zealand
Format Hardback
Author(s) By Beck, Jennifer
Illustrated by Belton, Robyn
Teacher Notes:
For #Suzuki music students, early in the book we reference Humoresque which is in Book 3: At last, the ship reached Cairo in Egypt, and the men were glad to spend time on shore Some of them would gather around Alexander’s tent in the evening, listening to the music. “Play our favourite!” someone would call, and once again the strains of Humoresque would drift across the desert.
“In the chaos, he was unsure of his position. He’d taught his men to recognise the stars in case they needed them for guidance. Now, using the Polar Star for direction, Alexander managed to crawl from shell hole to shell hole, and finally to a trench out of range of enemy gunfire. [ New Zealand is too far south to see Polaris, the pole star, or the Great Bear (Ursa Major)]”
#Dunedin #Music #Mathematics #OtagoBoysHighSchool

Aroha – The Kai Truck
Source: Dunedin Public Library
ISBN-13 9780473323301
Published 1 Jan 2015
Format Paperback
Author(s) By Yates, Piatarihi
Bi-lingual story about a food truck (te rau aroha) that delivered food (and comfort) to the Maori battalion in the Second World War food truck “Te Rau Aroha”. The story tells the history and stories of the truck, but also the importance of the Maori battalion. The English version of the story uses many common Maori words, and builds cultural knowledge (particularly around food)
Key words: 28th Maori Battalion ; Waiouru Military camp ; WWII ; muka ; Charlie YM Bennet ; El Alamein ; Tripoli ; Marshall Rommel ; Pita Awatere ; Mingar Quaim ; mokai (pet) ; Orsogna ; Mourea