• +64 21 232 6753
  • alisonshouldbewriting@gmail.com
  • Dunedin, New Zealand

Professional Development

Networks of Expertise supports subject associations and other peer-to-peer networks to deliver support for teachers and kaiako. https://pld.education.govt.nz/find-pld/networks-of-expertise/

Gifted NEXhttps://www.nzcge.nz/sign-up-to-gifted-nexGifted NEX is a Network of Expertise supporting all things gifted. The network links teachers with teachers, with specialists in the field, and with resources to support gifted learners.
Te Pū Tiaki Mana Taongahttps://sites.google.com/tptmt.com/teputiakimanataonga/home?authuser=0Te Pū Tiaki Mana Taonga has reformed from the MEANZ (Museum Education Association of New Zealand)….network of educators who support formal and life-long learning. We are community based with a focus on local stories, history and placed-based education.
The Education Hubwww.theeducationhub.org.nz research and practice in education
Drama NZhttps://www.drama.org.nz/national body that represents and advocates on behalf of drama teachers,
MENZA Music Education New Zealand Aotearoahttps://menza.co.nz/the national professional body that represents the interests of all music education sectors
TENZ Technology Education New Zealandhttps://tenz.org.nz/professional, collaborative association, promoting and supporting all levels of technology education
AMAhttps://www.aucklandmaths.org.nz/AMA is the professional association for teachers of mathematics, statistics and pāngarau in the Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland region.
New Zealand Mathematical Societyhttps://nzmathsoc.org.nz/representative body of professional
mathematicians in New Zealand
NZASE New Zealand Association of Science Educatorshttps://nzase.org.nz/The national body representing
teachers of science at all levels
Science Technicians’ Association of NZ (STANZ)https://stanz.nzase.org.nz/national organisation which represents the professional interests of all science technicians in education.
Earth and Space Science Educators of NZ (ESSENZ)https://www.earthspacescience.org.nz/ supporting and promoting Earth and Space Science (ESS) education
Kōtuitui Online Teachers Network
https://hail.to/ktuitui-online-teachers-networkNEX Kōtuitui is a ‘Network of Expertise’ for those teaching online in New Zealand schools, who want to teach and collaborate online, and who support our online learners.