• +64 21 232 6753
  • alisonshouldbewriting@gmail.com
  • Dunedin, New Zealand


Tēnā koutou

notes: really popular with year 1/2, easy to sing, and could give different tamariki the chance to lead the call and response.

This waiata is used to greet and welcome people at a pöwhiri or used just as a welcome song. It is easy to learn because each line is repeated or echoed. It is often performed with one person leading. It has part-echo and part-unison lines. Ask the students to listen for the unison part

  • Tēnā koutou
  • E hoa mā
  • Kua tae mai nei
  • I tēnei wā
  • Nō reira rā
  • E hoa mā
  • Kia ora rā
  • Koutou katoa
  • Kua rongo hoki ahau
  • Kei te haere mai koutou
  • Nö reira rā
  • E hoa mā
  • Kia ora rā
  • Koutou katoa
  • Greetings to you all
  • Dear friends
  • Who have arrived here
  • At this time
  • And so it is
  • Our dear friends
  • That we extend our greetings
  • To you all
  • I had heard of course
  • That you were coming
  • And so it is
  • Our dear friends
  • That we extend our greetings
  • To you all

Tihei mauri ora

This is another waiata that can be used to greet visitors at a pöwhiri or as a welcome song. Discuss the repeat of the last line. This often happens in waiata to signal that this is the end of the song.

Tihei mauri ora Let there be life!
Tihei mauri ora Let there be life!
Ngä iwi o te motu e To all the tribes of the land
Tü ake, karangatia Stand forth and be welcomed
Tü ake, manaakitia Stand forth and be hosted
Ngä iwi, kia ora rä To all the tribes, greetings to you
Ngä iwi, kia ora rä To all the tribes, greetings to you

Ko au, ko au

can be used as a round.

Remind the students to have eye contact with the person they
are singing to and do appropriate hand and arm actions.

Ko au, ko au ténei This is me
Ko koe, ko koe ténä That is you
Ko ia, ko ia térä That is her/him over there
Kei te mahi ngä mahi All busy working

E papa waiari

ideal to use with tï räkau (short sticks used in pairs) to keep the rhythm

E auë, ka mate au Oh, I will surely die
E hine, hoki mai rä My darling girl, please return to me
E papa waiari My grief overwhelms me
Taku nei mahi And all I do
Taku nei mahi And all I do
He tuku roimata Is to shed tears relentlessly
E auë, ka mate au Oh, I will surely die
E hine, hoki mai rä My darling girl, please return to me
Mäku e kaute ö hïkoitanga I will count your every footstep
Mäku e kaute ö hïkoitanga I will count your every footstep
E auë, ka mate au Oh, I will surely die
E hine, hoki mai rä My darling girl, please return to me