Activity: Planning a TGfU lesson and Challenge
CREATING A LESSON: Following the Spiral of Inquiry model in the MoveWell resource. Use the following steps to help plan a lesson with your class while out on your first practicum.
PRE-LESSON SCANNING: During your first week of practicum ask yourself: what is going on for all children? What social and personal development and skill needs do they have or want?
PRE-LESSON FOCUSING: Where will I focus my teaching to make the most difference? (refer to the Game Matrix at the beginning of each game section)
PRE-LESSON DEVELOPING A HUNCH: What is leading to this situation? What can I do differently to help the children’s development? (refer to the Progressions and the Coaching Clinics)
LESSON: LEARNING & TEACHING: What games will help the children develop knowledge, confidence and skills? (refer to the Games Matrices and the Learning Questions). Devise your lesson plan with links to the Health and Physical Education curriculum using the template provided. There is a copy of the template in the Health & PE folder for C&P A.
Here is a link below to a model lesson plan using a game from Movewell as its basis.
POST-LESSON TAKING ACTION: After the session ask yourself, ‘What could I do differently to challenge and support the different needs of the students? (refer to the Progressions and the Coaching Clinics)
POST-LESSON CHECKING: Have I made a difference? Did the lesson/game help the children to become more confident and competent? (refer to Learning Questions and Reflections)
….and begin the cycle again!
CHALLENGE: Your challenge is to create a TGfU lesson while on your first practicum. Spend the first week getting to know the children in your class. In the few weeks that follow, create a lesson (or more!) based upon their needs and incorporate one or more of the MoveWell games.